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Whilst PyGrail is indeed a passion project for us, the fact is - it costs hard $$$ to run! So we are always on the lookout for sponsors to cover the running costs, to fund exciting new features for our players, and to ensure that can remain free for everyone. Forever.

There are two options for sponsorship:

Main Sponsor

Main sponsors receive:

  • Branding on the landing page
  • Special mention in relevant communications
  • Global Sidebox + country specific sideboxes

Up to 3 spaces are available at a cost of £1,700 per year (or take all 3 for £4,500).

Up to 5 sidebar spaces are available globally - and a further 5 per country. Ads are refreshed every minute. Two image sizes are available:

  • 240x120px (240 wide, 120 high). For smaller screens.
  • 240x400px (240 wide, 400 high). For big screens.

To ensure your advert looks good, the image should:

  • have a filled (not transparent) background
  • be high resolution
  • use no less than size 10 font

Pricing is dependent on the number of players, as follows:

  • Small country (<100 players): £60 per year
  • Big country (>100 players): £120 per year
  • Global (all countries): £600 per year


For contracts, or further details, please contact us.